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Absolute Blue Invitation 12/02/22 - 12/03/22

Category: Front Page News
Published on Wednesday, 30 November 2022 19:12
Written by Absolute Blue
Hits: 57

Absolute Blue Feasticizes


We are back after our hiatical and look forward to this weekend when we will see how many notes we have forgotten how to play. Personally, I cannot recall A# or Db, however I have created 2 new notes, that I call Bob and Jimmy, so it works out. The good news is that we celebrated our 28th Thanksgiving potluck together and were fortunate enough to find a website that specializes in genetically modified poultry, then sure enough, three weeks later our I Can’t Believe It’s Not Turkey was delivered. The meal started out with two soup dishes, a Miso Honey and what can only be described as a Rental Soup due to its purgative nature. Following these was the aptly named Seizure Salad. Then came a still frozen vegetable dish we called Arctikchoke. The next course was a charcuterie board, which was really just a 2X4 with hot dog slices. But that’s not all:


-Don brought his Kickasserole, full of ingredients better left unsaid.

-Skip misplaced his recipe and wound up with a dish we now refer to as Forgotten Potatoes.

-In an effort to eliminate any remaining nutritional value, Tom deep fried fruit slices for what he called his Appletizers.

-Bill brought a melted cheese dish that we could only call Fondon’t.

-Kevin claimed his sweet potato dish was an aphrodisiac, and sure enough after dinner we were feeling a bit Yamorous.


Join us for a Friday night at Mainstreet in Downtown Melbourne from 6 to 10…


Then Saturday, it’s Squid Lips in Melbourne from 6 to 10…